Monday, August 30, 2010


ehem! berjumpa lagi dengan sayaaa! *jeng jeng jeng*

Oke, gw mau bahas...BUKU! ya! buku yang bahasa inggrisnya book itu looh(kok jadi ga jelas gini..?)
Hem, semua ini bermulai dari sodara gw yang sekarang beda sekolah itu.. hiks padahal kita SD-SMP tidak terpisahkan looh.. bayangin aja deh guys, kita 4 tahun sebangku! dan sekarang kita berpisaah..hiks mana sekarang kita sibuk dengan kehidupan kita masing masing di sekolah yang masing masing pula. jadilah kita jarang ketemu..LOH kok jadi curhat gini! oke! back to the topic!

Singkat kata, nah si sodara gw ini tiba-tiba pengen banget baca nih buku. ketinggalan jaman bangeet loh. gua aja udah tau bukunya dari kelas 7, biasalaaah(?)

ini nih bukunya:

 YAHAHAHAHA yaaap buku yang lagi gw omongin judulnyaaa autumn in Paris. wah gawat DUNIA GEMPAR! GUE! membaca novel romance! OH NOO~!!
hem, sebenernya gak segitu juga sih novelnya lumayan kok! cuman si sodara gw ntu udah nyeritain ceritanya duluan, jadi gak seru deh. Tetapi, meskipun seperti itu(ehem) novelnya BERHASIL membuat saya tercekat saudara saudara! *plok plok plok standing applause* heran kan kenapa bisa gitu? sama dong

Nah, karena penasaran(cie) pokoknya minggu kemaren itu kita nekat(?) beli lanjutannya. gw sih udah ngincer yang ini

 soalnya penasaran baca sinopsisnyaa..hehe  yah entah kenapa pas baca juga tercekat..ceritanya? ROMANTIS GILA! baca aja sendiri! kalo diceritain baru baca, efeknya ga akan kerasa! sementara, sodara gw beli yang ini

 sama yang ini:

hem, menurut gw sih ng paling seru sih si Summer in Seoul.. sukses hampir buat gw nangis cuy. gila ngaa? GUE! pengen nangis gara-gara baca novel romance! Subhanallah..(ngomongnya kayak anak DKM)

jadi, kira-kira peringkatnya kayak gini:

  1. Summer in Seoul
  2. Autumn in Paris
  3. Winter in Tokyo
  4. Spring in London
Ng.. gw jadi inget nih pas gw kelas 7 ato 8, gitu sama temen gw pernah ngetawain nih buku gara-gara nama-nama musim gituu.. Kayaknya gw kualat deh(?)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Uhnn.. Sexiest man much..??

ng.. semua bermula pas temen(sebut aja Q) lagi ngomong sama temen gue yang satunya(sebut aja X deh lupa ngomong ama siapa-___-) naah berhubung mereka duduk di belakang guaa jadi aja bisa nguping gitcu HAHAHAHA

Nah, pokoknya awal awal mereka ngomongin tugas blog kelas gitu nah tiba tiba ada yang nyeletuk;

X: eh sekarang kan si Johnny Depp kegeser ama si Rob Patz
Q: IYA TAU! yang 50 cowok terseksi gitu kan!

Yah pokoknya gitu deh kira-kira reka adegannya. Berhubung gua ama temen gua (N) itu tiba-tiba nyambung,yaudah dia ceritain tuh yang ternyata dia tau siapa aja..terus dia ngeceng sambil ngegosip deeh!! *ckckck anak jaman sekarang HAHAHA

SKIP! ini listnya. yang gua tau aja yaa artisnya HUAHAHAHA dari akhir!!
ini dari sini

44.Kings of Leon
43.Jackson Rathbone
42.Matthew Morrison(Mr Shuester at Glee!)
39.Aaron Johnson(the kick-ass star)
37.Russel Brand
35.George Clooney(you betcha)
34.Daniel Craig(not surprise)
33.Brad Pitt <333
31.Cory Monteith (FINN!)
28.Sam Worthington (The avatar-guy)
27.Robert Downey JR.(I AM IRONMAN)
26.Will Smith
25.Mark Sailing(Puck @Glee)
22.The Jonas Brothers(?)
21.David Beckham
20.Bradley Cooper
19.Jake Gyllenhaal (//////)
18.Ashton Kutcher
15.Christiano Ronaldo(?)
14.Justin Timberlake
13.Chris Brown
12.Chase Crawford
11.Orlando Bloom


10.Channing Tatum
9.Hayden Christensen
8.Gerard Butler
6.Johnny Depp

DOWN TO 5!!*with pic! hehe

5.Kellan Lutz(//////)
1117_kellan lutz.jpg 
4.Xavier Samuel <3333
3.Ian Somerhalder
2.Taylor Lautner <3333
1118_taylor lautner.jpg
1002_robert pattinson.jpg

hahaha what d'ya think?? ngomong ngomong, ntu ngapain si adek justin nangkring disonoh? Isn't he even legal enough?! tapi gue sih setuju ama yang 5 besar KECUALI R-Patzz-__- seriously? The drunken vampire?? and..Christiano Ronaldo??!! Ew. Not. 


Monday, August 16, 2010

Crazy Time w/ Friends :DDDD

Oh this event was mooonths ago, even before the new semester started

First we went toa Karaoke place called-Fun Oke(Laaame) . we were there for...1 or 2 hours?? i forgot but we sang a lot of songs till our throats soar. Oh yeah! me and my friend break the record by getting 98!! i didn't have any idea how we could get such big score because we didn't even know the song  the booklet said :happy-F4

This is how the song was suppose to be like:
It's so nice to be Happy
Everybody should be Happy
But my friend and i sang like:

Happy(it's so nice so nice so nice)
It's so nice to be Happy(it's so nice so nice)
Everybody should be Happy

And.. Of course my friend sang the correct notes and i sang the false one...On purpose and in the end, we got 98! freakin'98!

Then we went to a photobox (actually photosticker) place in Fun World and it was barely fit for 6 people. So we decided that 3 people should stand on the bench and 3 other are on the front row.  the bench was very tiny and i was surprised it wasn't broken or something.

Here's some of our photoshoots:

Pretty good, huh? and THIS is my favorite: 
(i'm on the back row, the farthest right)
see why? because of my friend's expression and the pig nose was really really match her expression:DDDD

HAHAHA we had so much fun that day and it was so sad that we had to go to different high school:'(((

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Okaaay this is my SECOND blog becaaaause (trust me,it's a LAME excuse) i forgot the passwooord . sheeesh reaaally lame. its because*sigh i hadn't a chance to open my blog for months. okay now i sounded like a very busy businesswoman-___-   if you followed me since my first blog, you must be reading my posting about entering SMANSA and the test.. and so-on. and guess what?



ahem, i know i should've posted something like this two months ago. but ya know i'm busy. well, NOT that busy actually. i had 2 months of holiday had nothing to do at home and im telling you guys i'm busy? geez i don't know what had come into my head-__-

Anywaay let's get over the first news(did i mention it was the first news? guess not hahaha) oh yeah i've already done  the student orientation. i got so much experience from this orientation <333 we learnt to seriously get over the fact that we just already met and came from various mid-school. unn on the pre-orientation(saturday) we was being told that we should did this and brought that. But some task demanded us to cooperate with our new class. On sunday, we did our class duty and some materials that had to be the same in every class. i've only known them for one day and i went to their house on the next dat and chit-chatting like we had known ourselves for months? tee hee, that's new for a kind of girl like me. okaaay! let's skip doing-the-task part because even only the task, it could formed a peak! it was the first time:
  1. i did this many task.
  2. i could get to know my classmates for just 2 days. 
  3. i slept for two and half hours
  4. i could lost 2 and half kilos just for 3 days because of tired, stress and lack of sleep
  5. i heard people scream until i felt the room was kind of vibrating(am i hallucinating or what??)
umm, i think that's all i remembered  from the student orientation. At the end, the seniors that gave us task and screaming and yelling at us was actually very kind and fun. and they were asking for our forgiveness from their acts. well, kind of like that. all that i could say, it was an unforgettable student orientation.

the student orientation at SMANSA you can't see me there. my class was a lil' bit further

wondered why we face the back side? it's because of:

TADA! we had to face the people behind the POSKO sign and answering their questions, um, i had to admit, the times where we face them, it was very creepy.

 some things i had to bring at MOS

umm what else? oh yeah! the extraculicullar! i've decided to join Djuanda , a softball and baseball club, and Sketsa. ya know.. drawing, painting and so-on.

 My FIRST creation(?) in SKETSA

Well, that's all my newest news from me:D Chao!