Born from a fairly religious family, religion has been pretty much playing a major part in my life. And living a life in a country where practising religion and being religious is a demand from the society itself-- which makes me a fairly religious person.
Religion, I think, have a tight bond with us humans ever since the megalithic era. So I think metaphysically, everyone believe in God. Does atheists believe in God? I don't know. When they can see their death coming, do they still try to search for God? When fears come to their hearts, what do they have in their minds, since I believe fear, sometimes can be irrational?
I mean, I agree that not all religious things can be explained logically. It is relatively hard for people to believe in bibles, or any kind of holy books, since they don't live in the time when the books are given to the prophets, so it is hard to understand. But we can't deny that somewhere in our heart, we have faith. For me, I need something to hold on to when I am afraid, when I am happy, or sad, or simply help me sleep at some insomnial nights.
Religion, for me, is a kind of theraphy. It gives me a relaxing, soothing feelings when I am stressed, gives me strength when I am afraid, give me a cold head in the middle of anger, give me a feeling of letting go comes in much more easier to come, and making me believe that there are always sunshine and rainbow after the heavy storm which my religion guarantees. All in all, religion gives my restless soul an inner peace.
Religion gives us both restriction and freedom. Truthfully, there are no restriction which have no logical reasoning behind the restriction itself, which people easily misjudge. People misinteprated the meaning behind the restriction, without knowing the real motive. This may caused by the contradictive beliefs between the religions itself which lead to the point where one religion feels superior. This superiority affect the society to be more sceptical and discriminative to the minority in the multi-religion society.
Religion is often abused by the people with the higher power to give profits to certain group. It is commonly related to corruption. Not only that, the government can release abusive regulations to the certain minor religious group, because of the superiority and dominance that they felt. Not only abused by powerful people, religion are commonly being connected by some people to give vengeance to another people. People kill each other in the name of religion which of course will make a bad impression on other people who have different belief, which basically know nothing about the mistranslated act itself.
Well, I think that's all in my mind when I think about religion. I understand that this matter is private in some culture, but I'm curious. What do you think? What do you atheists think?
p.s This is probably the heaviest thing I've ever written in my blog.
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